
Main PyGenCad entry point.

The commands sub-module provides helper functions for creating CommandFile and Layer objects targeting specific backends. Functions from the commands sub-module are available at the top level of the PyGenCAD package.

>>> from pygencad import *
>>> from StringIO import StringIO
>>> f = StringIO()
>>> with get_script(f, 'autocad') as script:
...     script.cmd("Hello, World!")
>>> "Hello, World!" in f.getvalue()



Mapping of backend names to backend modules.


Mapping of backend names to backend file extensions.


pygencad.get_script(filelike, backend)[source]

Return an initialized CommandFile object for the requested backend.

>>> from pygencad import *
>>> from StringIO import StringIO
>>> f = StringIO()
>>> get_script(f, 'autocad')
<pygencad.autocad.CommandFile object at 0x...>
>>> get_script(f, 'spam')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Unknown backend ...!
  • filelike (filelike) – An object with a write method.
  • backend (string) – Name of the backend to use, must be in pygencad.backends.

ValueError if the provided name isn’t in pygencad.backends


An instantiated CommandFile object for the indicated backend.


Return the layer class for the indicated backend.

>>> from pygencad import *
>>> from StringIO import StringIO
>>> f = StringIO()
>>> get_layer('autocad') # Notice the return isn't an object:
<class 'pygencad.autocad.Layer'>
>>> get_script(f, 'spam')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Unknown backend ...!
Parameters:backend (string) – Name of the backend to use, must be in pygencad.backends.
Raises:ValueError if the provided name isn’t in pygencad.backends
Returns:Layer class for the indicated backend.